Twisted Tuna's Grand Opening Weekend!
The Twisted Tuna (formerly Finz) moved in across the street and during Memorial Day weekend May 23rd - May 26th they'll be having live...
PSM official Newsletter
Port Salerno Marine is going to have a newsletter that you can opt in for by simply filling out the form on the home page (pictured). Our...
New photos!
We've got some new phtographs up for viewing on both the homepage and the About Us page. All additional images that are not featured will...
Prop Shaft Zincs
Just for general knowledge, Shaft Zincs should be placed 3 to 5 times the diameter of the propeller shaft away from the cuttlas bearing....
Website revision!
We're very excited to unveil our new website, which is aiming to be more comprehensive, easier to navigate, and easier on the eyes. Check...